Python is so hot right now.
Go watch Zoolander.
Python is a programming language. Its interpreted, high-level and object-orientated. Python is also a beginner friendly language that is extremely powerful. It can land you a job if your proficient enough but even if you’re not it’ll give you the basic fundamentals of programming. It will help you to think like a programmer.
It will also help your Security career, your SysOps career and will help you make friends because you naturally are cooler.
I learned Java and C++ back in the day, and while I was decent enough to get high marks in school it was never really my passion. Spending hours and hours debugging manually (was never taught how to use a debugger properly) wasn’t my thing. What I did love about it was creating something new, thinking of a problem and logic your way into a solution. Once that works then re-working your logic to make things more efficient.
I left that world when I went into the work force but I’ve always missed it. This is where Python came in and what I’ve been doing.
If you begin to follow this site/blog you’ll find out Docker/Kubernetes has stemmed a lot of my renewed interests in things. Python is no different.
Working with YAML files got me back into command line working. I as a kid used to write batch files for my 286 hand me down PC to launch applications. I love living in the command line, and getting better every day. Funny how things have gone full circle.
Currently I’m going through the Automate Boring Stuff and 100 Days of Python (Udemy for both) courses. I’ll be documenting my journey with code snippets and just what I’ve learned.
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